Sudan: Concern about the safety of journalists, call to reactivate the Internet and guarantee freedom of broadcasting and journalists’ right to protection

2021-10-25 12:13

Statements Sudan

Following up, with deep concern, the current events in Sudan, the Journalist Support Committee (JSC) calls on all political, military and security bodies to protect working journalists in order to keep pace with political and security developments in all regions of Sudan and to convey an honest image of the ongoing events.

The committee also calls for reactivating the Internet and ensuring freedom of broadcasting and coverage for all media outlets operating in Sudan.
Recalling the principles of the international covenants and the obligations imposed on the Sudanese authorities in such situations, the committee demandsthat no journalist or media outlet should be attacked under the pretext of maintaining security or declaring an emergency. Moreover, it is as highly crucial for the authorities and journalists to respect principles governing press freedom and code of journalistic ethics in similar circumstances.

Journalist Support Committee - Switzerland
Monday, October 25th, 2021