Why is World Press Freedom Day observed on May 3?

2022-05-03 01:21


 Why is World Press Freedom Day observed on May 3? (Jagran) 

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The UNGA, in December 1993, proclaimed this day after a recommendation adopted at the 26th session of UNESCO's General Conference in 1991. The Windhoek Declaration was adopted on this day as well. It is a statement of press freedom principles by African newspaper journalists in 1991.

World Press Freedom Day 2022: Theme

This year, the theme of World Press Freedom Day is 'Journalism under digital siege'. According to the United Nations, the theme will focus on the several ways in which journalism is endangered by surveillance and digitally-mediated attacks on journalists, and the consequences of all this on public trust in digital communications. The UN also mentioned that the surveillance can uncover information collected by journalists including from whistle-blowers and can harm the journalists' safety.

The theme of World Press Freedom Day in 2021 was 'Information as a Public Good' and it was hosted in Namibia, Windhoek. The main focus of this theme was on the importance of cherishing information as a public good and exploring ways to strengthen journalism. It highlighted the ways to ensure the economic viability of news media, strengthen Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities, and the mechanisms for making sure about the transparency of internet companies.