2022-04-21 12:18
Focusing on oneself and one’s own values is a proven method to build resilience and lessen the psychological impact of traumatising events.
Journalists in their work may encounter situations that can negatively impact their mental state. Focusing on oneself and one’s own values is a proven method to build resilience and lessen the psychological impact of traumatising events.
Here are five important habits for greater resilience:
RSF’s Assistance Desk
The Assistance Desk of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) provides financial and administrative assistance to professional journalists and citizen-journalists who have been the victims of reprisals. RSF has also developed a range of psychological safety training modules which have been developed in response to a need observed in the field by our organisation and its network of partners and correspondents.
Mental health professionals and specialists
Along with its assistance desk, RSF works with Eutelmed, a leading international network of mental health professionals and specialists (e.g. psychiatrists, psychologists, coaches, speech therapists, school counselors) who offer medical or paramedical services. Available through its secure and confidential web-platform, Eutelmed gives support through consultation in 17 different languages and takes into consideration the client’s culture.
Helpline directory
Live For Tomorrow, a non-profit startup which works at the intersection of mental health crisis support and digital technology, has created a comprehensive resource of helplines that cover a wide range of mental health issues that are free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Click here to access their directory of helplines for anyone, anywhere in the world.