Threats Calling for Telesur's TV Signal to be Blocked in Latin America

2020-01-15 01:20


Journalist Support Committee Condemns Threats Made Against Telesur's Freedom to Broadcast

On Saturday 11th January threats were made on social media which called for Telesur's TV signal to be blocked in Latin America. Telesur is sponsored by several Latin American governments including Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Uruguay.

Telesur has provided an important platform for investigative journalism and several Telesur correspondents have suffered reprisals in the past from state authorities and vigilantes in Colombia, Argentina and Ecuador.

The Journalist Support Committee condemns these threats and urges the international community to defend freedom of expression as defined in Article 19 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Journalist Support Committee - Switzerland
January 15, 2020