About Us

2017-03-22 03:28

About Us

The Journalist Support Committee (JSC) association was founded in 2016 by a group of journalise's aftermath of the "Arab Spring" were a number of journalists have been killed, kidnapped, or have disappeared by various radical terrorist groups. A campaign has been set up to ensure accountability and to bring the perpetrators to justice. In addition, many television channels had their right to freedom of opinion and expression denied after leading Mideast satellite operators restricted them from broadcasting without reasonable justification. 
The purpose of the association is to defend the rights of journalists and promoting the right to press and media broadcasting freedom throughout the region. The Journalist Support Committee (JSC) always maintains its independence and does not take sides in the political process. However, when it comes to defending the freedom of journalists and the media, the association stands against all policies and legislations that may impose restrictions on a media freedom. 
The Journalist Support Committee (JSC) is active on a regional level in developing media freedom and strengthening the skills and professionalism of journalists in the regional member countries through customized programs and activities. Additionally, the Journalist Support Committee (JSC) works with media and civil society organizations defend and promote freedom of expression principles.  

  1. Mission, Objectives, and Values 

A. Our Mission 
The Journalists Support Committee (JSC) is a non-profit organisation representing journalists, writers, broadcasters, reporters, editors, photographers, media worker, and online journalist. from Bahrain, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. The core mission is to promote media freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of opinion under the fundamental right of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The values of the Journalists Support Committee (JSC) is to establish and maintain a high standard of ethical standards and professionalism within the media industry. 

B. Our Objectives 

The Association shall pursue the following objectives:

1. To protect and strengthen the rights and freedoms of journalists, and media workers;
2. To defend freedom of press, radio, television, and social media;
3. To campaign for the right to seek, access and receive information through any media platforms;
4. To promote professional standards of journalism, ethics of journalism, and diversity in journalism;
5. To promote the safety of journalists, and to take a stand against all forms of violence on media professionals;
6. To collaborate with other organisations to promote democratic and independent journalism, foster ties, and cultural understanding;
7. To advance the education, skills, and competence of people engaged in all forms of journalistic work at all levels of media and across all platforms of media; 
8. To support and assistance journalists and their families when they are in need;
9. To establish and maintain close relations with relevant international, government and non-government organisations in furtherance of these objectives;
10. To reward and honour outstanding members periodically. 

C. Our Values 

The association Code of Conduct outlining our principles, values, obligations, and its designed to guide our journalist member to enhance their work activities wherever they located. Our code is focused on following five common themes: 
1. Truth and Accuracy: Journalists should be truthful, balanced and verified in gathering, reporting and interpreting information
2. Independence: Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the public’s right to know
3. Fairness and Impartiality: journalists should always be committed to impartial and balanced coverage
4. Accountability: Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other.
5. Humanity: journalists should treat sources, subjects, and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.